Thursday, April 11, 2013

Locks in Oracle - Part 2

Transaction--> Locks
  1. How is my transaction tracked 
  2. How does oracle ensures or rather maintains data integrity and table definition integrity during the due course of my transaction
  3. How is lock escalation handled in Oracle
  4. Where is the Lock info stored in Oracle
Does these question are of your interest, then proceed reading below,  
A transaction begins with a DML/Select FOR UPDATE and ends with commit, rollback or  even with a DDL. Every transaction is identified with a unique transaction ID.  Let's try it out, 

SQL> update t1 set id_val='ORC' where id = 1;

1 row updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.16
Lets check for the transaction ID
SQL> select xid from v$transaction;


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

If you would like to see the decimal notation of the transaction id, then try below
SQL> select dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id from dual;


Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
The transaction ID has three parts in it, Rollback Segment number, Slot Number and a Wrap Number. Lets check the v$transaction to validate the same,

SQL> select xid,ADDR,XIDUSN,XIDSLOT,XIDSQN from v$transaction;

XID              ADDR         XIDUSN    XIDSLOT     XIDSQN                      
---------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------                      
01000C0083060000 3B0F7554          1         12       1667                      

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
Well the column significance are 

XIDUSN   - Transaction ID's Undo Segment Number 
XIDSLOT - Transaction ID's Slot Number 
XIDSQN   - Transaction ID's Sequence Number
           Transaction ID is the single identifier which would help us to proceed further with the series of investigation,
SQL> select * from v$locked_object;

   XIDUSN    XIDSLOT     XIDSQN  OBJECT_ID SESSION_ID   ORACLE_USERNAME   OS_USER_NAME   PROCESS   LOCKED_MODE                                            
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------------- --------------- --------- -----------                                            
    1          12        1667      74916        203              HARI      HARI-PC\HARI  6076:5924  3                                            
Elapsed: 00:00:00.05

LOCKED_MODE in v$locked_Object indicates in what mode the Object_ID is locked. In our case the Object_Id 74916 (Table Name - T2) is locked in SX(Row- Exclusive) mode i.,e "Rows are locked in the table in exclusive mode", Now lets see the types of locks the transaction is holding,

SQL> select * from v$lock where sid=203;

ADDR     KADDR           SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST       CTIME      BLOCK      
-------- -------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     ---------- ----------   
3D378880 3D3788AC        203 AE        100          0          4          0         435          0      
0EEB6AA0 0EEB6AD0        203 TM      74916          0          3          0          13          0      
3B0F7554 3B0F7594        203 TX      65548       1667          6          0          13          0      

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05

v$Lock helps us to identify the types of locks associated with the transaction. The locks bundled with the transaction are AE,TM, TX. Keeping aside AE at the moment lets see what these TX and TM are,

TX Lock/Enqueue - This represents the transaction and are enforced to maintain data integrity.  Its the Row-Level locking, a modified row is always locked in exclusive manner so that other users cannot modify the row unless untill the parent transaction ends. And that's the reason it shows LMODE = 6 indicating exclusive lock on the row and REQUEST = 0 means am holding the lock and am the owner, therefore doesn't request any. The ID1(usn+slot) and ID2(seq) together represents the transaction ID. This exclusive lock doesn't mean DML are prohibited on the table, it's only on that particular row so that other session cannot modify it. So a lock is never escalated it can only be released when the transaction ends.

TM Lock/Enqueue - This represents the table and they lock the table from structural change, ensuring no change to data definition of the table during the due course of the transaction. And that's the reason it shows LMODE = 3 indicating rows are locked in exclusive mode in this table. ID1 shows the Object_ID being locked.

Oracle doesn't have the concept of Lock Manager which would normally act as the central locking system to handle locks in few database's, remember a central locking is prone to contention. In oracle the lock info is stored right at the block itself. The Data Block holds the lock bit information which in turn points to the ITL - Interested Transaction List and this in turn points to the undo segment header to validate the validity of the data.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Locks in Oracle - Part 1

Apart from parsing
  1. What happens when i issue an update statement ?
  2. How does Oracle comply with the properties of a Database Transaction aka ACID properties
If interested read further :)

A transaction is nothing but SQL statements which is tracked with an unique transaction ID until commit / rollback / DDL are issued. ooh ooh hold on, before i get into the internals lets have a quick view on the basic's of Locks.

Is this true - "Picture Speaks Louder Than Words"

For the next series of diagrams concentrate on the below arrow in each diagram- 

Lets start with a basic query and check what happens







does these diagrams helped you to understand something, will continue internals soon